Pure-hearted dragons can live forever if they eat right, exercise regularly, and if they use their gifts and talents to serve and bless others, and if they live in communities where every dragon has everything needed to sustain life - such as food, shelter, and love from others.
In such communities, everything needed to exist is provided freely to them by the creator. They neither purchase nor sell anything for money. In these happy societies, each dragon gives of his or her gifts and talents freely as their contribution to the happiness and welfare of the community. This is done purely by choice and no dragon is compelled to do anything against its will. These dragons live in a perpetual state of gratitude and happiness.
Impure Lessor Dragons
Dragons who do not become pure-hearted and live within communities as described above, live only 77 years on average. These dragons spend much of their lives selling their time gifts, and talents to other dragons in exchange for money and treasures of the earth. Such dragons spend little time with their families because they spend so much time trying to get enough money to buy the things they need. They believe life must be lived this way, and cannot even comprehend the Utopian societies that once existed upon this earth. Nor do they ever experience true and lasting happiness. Life is hard for such dragons and they die very young.
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